Subject: Re: Hidden Files Not Being Copied
From: Bill Moran (
Date: Thu Jan 18 2001 - 12:55:19 EST
Ray Zimmerman wrote:
> But that's exactly what I'm saying I can do just fine. I create a
> folder on the Mac and save a file called .htaccess in that folder. I
> copy the folder to my netatalk volume (the file goes with it). I
> duplicate the folder on the netatalk volume (the file is in the
> duplicated folder). I copy the new folder somewhere else on the
> netatalk volume (the .htaccess file gets copied with it).
> It all behaves just fine as far as I can see.
Interesting. I wonder if the .AppleDouble &/| .AppleDesktop files keep
this information so it displays properly?
This is an interesting quandry. No matter how you handle the translation
there will be problem occasionally. Since you can create dotfiles on the
Mac that have no special significance, then what happens when you copy
them to the Netatalk volume (you describe this below) This behaviour
would look odd from someone working at a bash prompt, or someone
accessing the same files from Samba.
There will always be some quirks in the translation as long as there are
differences in the filesystems, the trick is to make the quirks as
unobtrusive as possible.
Try this one:
sit down at the UN*X server and change to the volume accessible by the
Macs, do "mkdir temp temp/temp temp/temp/temp"
Make sure all those directories has ownership/perms such that they
should be deletable from the Mac, then walk over to the Mac and try to
delete them.
On my FreeBSD based Netatalk server this will present the user with an
error (something like "can't delete because they're in use") with no
particular explanation. You can walk back to the FreeBSD box and delete
them just fine, and even delete them via Samba from NT.
I've guessed that this is a similar problem, since Netatalk creates the
.AppleDouble files after the fact, but I haven't traced it down yet.
> ... ah ... just tried something else. It seems that if I create the
> .htaccess on the Unix side I run into the trouble you see. But if the
> file is created from the Mac (either via Save As to the netatalk
> volume or via copy from a Mac disk to the netatalk volume) it works
> fine because it encodes the '.' in the file name as ':2e').
Are you saying that if you create ".htaccess" from the Mac, a ls command
on the UN*X box shows ":2ehtaccess" ?
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