Re: 1-gigabit-router for netatalk?

Subject: Re: 1-gigabit-router for netatalk?
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 13:44:55 EST

Hi Matthew!

> I *HIGHLY* recommend keeping file-serving operations off of your
> firewall.

Of course, it is seperate machine. The question is (as I know that netatalk
is VERY sensible
on network stability) which configuration will provide enough power to do
firewalling and
routing with two Gigabit and one FastEthernet nics in a network of linux-,
windows- and
mac-clients (including appletalk to have the servers visible in the
chooser). I don't want
to see the message "The server closed the connection" too often. ;-)

I was told that a PentiumPro has a too slow bus. So what would you
recommend? We
are getting our new switches and servers soon, and I must decide which
machine to configure
for doing the routing. So, PentiumPro, old Suns, PentiumII or III...?

Thank you for ANY hints and help...

CU Lars.

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