Subject: Re: CRLF fun stuff again...
From: Steve Freitas (
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 16:34:14 EST
> It is worth noting that the Samba team have point blank refused to add
> any form of 'translation' to Samba. It serves files exactly 'as is'.
> They argue that EOL conventions are an Application problem and its not
> the file servers job to try and guess what the user is up to and mess
> around with the contents of the files.
I think that is absolutely the right thing to do. I've had this CR/LF thing
munge up whole ISOs for me, even when it's turned off. Sure, the option
should be left in, but I don't want my fileserver to, by default, play
guessing games with my linefeeds, which is what it seems to be doing, as
least as far as my inexperienced eyes can tell (referencing my much earlier
thread on this topic).
When you've got to remember to add a line to AppleVolumes.system just to
keep a file with a new suffix from being corrupted, that's just bad.
Jeff, what do you think? :-)
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