Subject: MacOS9, copying folders to server problem
Date: Sun Mar 18 2001 - 11:11:25 EST
After I tried a lot of permission settings, I found that there seam to be
different behaviours on different MacOS9-clients. The problem was that I can't
copy a folder containing files to a netatalk+asun-pre37-server (I get the
message that files are "geschuetzt" (German, something like secured). The user
has group and owner-permissions. The problem appeared on a UmaxPulsar. Next, I
tried the same on a G4 (MacOS9 in both cases) - no errors....
Where should I search the difference causing these errors? I'm not a
Mac-Pro, I just found that both Macs have the same OS...
Is this error known?
CU, Lars.
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