Subject: Netatalk data backup with CD-R
From: Nathaniel Pendleton (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 02:12:06 EDT
Is there a recommended way to backup my MacOS files
on my Linux netatalk server?
I have SCSI CD-R and a SCSI PCI card to setup on Linux.
What file format on the CD-R should / can I use?
HFS? can I make an HFS CD-R from linux? to reliably open on MacOS.
ext2? can I record all the .AppleDouble and permissions onto an ext2 CD-R?
But be forced to linux to recover.
ISO9660? can I use the very portable ISO9660 and .AppleDouble?
But then how can I reliably reconstitute type/creator and
resource fork
on a MacOS file stored on ISO9660?
OR should I move everything across the network to a MacOS machine with CD-R?
That would be really annoying.
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