Share name not working anymore

Subject: Share name not working anymore
From: Henry Gripp Zeringue (
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 11:55:22 EDT


running: netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3-7
redhat 6.2

Somehow, I did something to disable the _really nice_ variables feature in
the AppleVolumes.default file.

When AppleVolumes.default looks like:
/home/common mmb_common_$u allow:@group1 common_$u

The apple chooser displays: common_$u

When AppleVolumes.default looks like (the correct way, from what I
/home/common mmb_common_$u allow:@group1

apple chooser displays: allow:@group1

This also causes a _second_ problem. The "allow" statement doesnt work. I
have a share with only a few users specificed. This used to work, now
everyone who has access through netatalk has access to _all_ the shares.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. If I can supply any more info,
let me know.

Henry 'Gripp' Zeringue Home: (608)260-8098
Biomedical Engineering Office: (608)265-3285
1410 Engineering Dr. Lab: (608)262-3013
Madison, WI 53706-1608 Fax: (608)265-9239

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