(OT) Permissions yet again...

Subject: (OT) Permissions yet again...
From: Rob deMallac (rsauzier@sfsu.edu)
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 18:08:28 EDT

Hello all-

I've got some strange file permission problems that, although unrelated to
netatalk, are preventing it from working properly.

I'm using 1.5pre6, installed from RPM, on Mandrake 8.

Logged in as 'luser' ("Lowly User";), I touch a file and it has the
following permissions:
-rw-rw---- 1 (date/time) test.txt

I've got a umask value of 007 for all users, so this shouldn't be
happening. Going through the very helpful archives, I followed advice to
chmod 2775 on the actual share and chmod g+s for all the little .Apple
files, but still no dice.

Any help greatly appreciated, and my undying gratitude to the kind soul
who prevents me from turning this into a stupid NT box next week!


Rob deMallac
Network Manager
SFSU Journalism Department

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