Hi, at http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~eric/stuff/soft/ terminal-23apr2005.zip and terminal-rom.tar.gz respectively, you can find updated versions of my small TERMINAL. Features: 8088/8086 compatible, UPXed to less than 4 kilobytes, built-in optimized ANSI/VT100 handling. You can use TERMINAL to turn very slow old PCs into VT100 style terminals, or just to exchange a bit of data with your modem or serial mouse for testing / debugging purposes. The update fixes a bug which made it impossible to select other serial ports than the default one (highest installed port, e.g. if you have COM1 and COM2, then COM2 is default). Strange that nobody reported that in the last 3.5 years... While creating the updated ROM version, I noticed that the loader can handle not only com files but also LZSS compressed files. As I was not sure whether the loader defaulted to "copy to RAM, then run", I used the uncompressed TERMINAL for the ROM image. Still, 3 of the 8 kilobytes are free. To the ROM experts: Does it make sense to provide a 5 kilobyte ROM image? Or a 4 kilobyte one which uses the UPXed TERMINAL? If so, could you create one for me? Please check the tar gz file and figure out some nice compile time options (gcc or djgpp needed as preprocessor, GNU make for the makefile, nasm to compile the ROM loader and to compile the TERMINAL itself) :-) . Anyway. If you are no ROM guy, just get the ZIP with the DOS program TERMINAL.com (3.8k) and be happy, now even in, uhm, stereo (now properly supports COMn port selection). Eric PS: For extra convenience, the ROM version now supports the "port number" q, which selects "no terminal, just return to the caller (e.g. system BIOS) at once". The old version made you fully enter terminal before leaving.