Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #96
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 13 Jun 00       Volume 17 : Issue 96

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#534/12-Jun-00
      [A] Using Files on a mac by a PC?
      ADMIN: Info-Mac is back!
      Crash-happy B/W G3
      PC utility to read Mac disks

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Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#534/12-Jun-00


  Who decides what should appear online? Two articles tackle
  different aspects of that question. First, Adam weighs in on
  Adobe's lawsuit against MacNN over publication of Photoshop 6
  pre-release information. Then, Kirk McElhearn looks at the
  hyperlink and wonders if there's any content behind it. We also
  note the Microsoft breakup ruling, Apple's QuickTime deal with
  RealNetworks, and releases of QuicKeys 5.0 and Illustrator 9.0.

    MacNN Sued by Adobe, News at 11
    Click Me (or, The Ubiquity of Hypertext)


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-534.etx; 32K]


Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 17:31:45 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [A] Using Files on a mac by a PC?

< Is it possible for a PC (using NT4) to use files located on a Mac? What
< software has to be run on the Mac (Shareware/Freeware) to achieve this?

I know if you enable Services for Macintosh (SFM) under NT, you can 
see NTFS partitions and mount these on the Mac through the Chooser. 
I'm not sure if it works in the other direction.


Ken Laskey


Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 12:14:25 -0400
From: Tom Coradeschi <>
Subject: ADMIN: Info-Mac is back!

As you may well have noticed, the Info-Mac website and email 
addresses kind of dropped off the internet for a couple of days last 

We've gotten the problem straightened out and are taking steps to 
make sure it doesn't happen again (fixing a single-point-of-failure 

Thanks for your patience!

tom coradeschi


Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:27:32 -0700
From: Tracey Adams <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: Crash-happy B/W G3

I have a B/W G3 running OS 9.04 with 384 megs of ram and I have never owned
a more stable machine.
One thing that I can tell you is the control panel upgrade for the Adaptec
SCSI 2906 card will cause all kinds of problems. Use the SCSIProbe 5.0 and
don't upgrade it. You'll have nothing but problems with the upgrades and
they won't give any indication that that is what's causing them. You don't
have to manually mount your SCSI devises unless you have an extra drive or
something of that nature that needs to be mounted. A scanner will work just
fine without being mounted. Every upgrade incarnation since 5.0 for the
SCSIProbe has caused me no end of strange problems except version 5.0. Other
than that my G3 virtually never crashes.
Try removing SCSIProbe 5.x and reinstall SCSIProbe 5.0 and see if that
solves your problems.

I sure hope this helps you,

Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate
less, love more; and all good things are yours. -- Swedish Proverb --

> From: The Info-Mac Network <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 11:29:15 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #95
> From: (Richard Lim)
> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 10:15:08 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Crash-happy blue-and-white G3
> It's been a very long time since I posted anything to this list, and the
> fact I'm doing so now indicates the level of frustration I've reached
> with the above problem. I'm the proud-ish owner of a refurbished
> blue-and-white G3 400/DVD, which replaced my ageing Performa 6200 (which
> is clearly where the pride comes in - the leap in speed, though
> predictable, is still pretty astounding). The problem is that my new G3
> is the most crash-prone machine I've seen since the days of System
> 7.5.x. It crashes seemingly randomly - eg in the Finder, in the middle
> of an FTP transfer with Fetch - and hard, such that half the time you're
> not dropped into Macsbug, and the rest of the time you can get back out
> to the Finder only to have the machine freeze completely. The machine is
> running MacOS 9.0.4  (did a clean install), ATM 4.5.2, AppleScript
> 1.4.3. It crashes with base extensions, with or without VM, with or
> without additional fonts installed besides the ones OS 9 ships with, and
> with or without Macsbug (6.6). I have tried taking out the Power PC
> Enabler 9.0.4 as some people say it causes problems - that didn't help
> though. I was going to say it doesn't crash when I boot from the OS 9
> CD, which would indicate an extensions conflict; that said, I have seen
> it crash once when booted from the CD - I was opening one of the Readme
> files in Simple Text and the machine froze.
> Having spent a few hours each day wrestling with the machine, I'm
> beginning to wonder if it could be some kind of hardware problem. It
> could, I suppose, be a defective DIMM (the machine has 128 Mb of memory
> and may have been upgraded at some point), though the memory clearly
> passes the tests on startup. The machine contains an Adaptec 2906 SCSI
> card and G3 stealth port adapter - it crashes whether or not the
> extensions for these are enabled.
> There don't appear to be any problems with directory structure (Disk
> First Aid doesn't report any - besides, I reformatted the hard drive
> with Drive Setup when I got the machine a couple of weeks ago, and have
> updated the disk drivers).
> Any suggestions on how to get this beast to behave would be appreciated
> (except for reverting to 8.6 - I never wanted OS 9, but you simply can't
> get hold of an 8.6 installer now; I do have the 8.5 installer/8.6
> updater but they don't work on this machine). Thanks.
> R.


Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:21:58 PDT
From: "Jim Huskey" <>
Subject: PC utility to read Mac disks

I'm looking for a shareware utility that will allow me to read Mac disks on 
an NT or Win95/98 box. I've used MacinDOS but can't now find it or anything 
like it. I'm not even sure how to look for it. I've looked in 
and with no luck
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