Re: Apple, Netatalk, OS X

Subject: Re: Apple, Netatalk, OS X
From: Marcus Radich (
Date: Fri Feb 16 2001 - 02:31:22 EST

OK, here is a quick rundown using a "post public beta" build with a
netatalk volume:

- File sizes show up perfectly
- Volume size is correctly represented
- File mapping works well
- Classic (9.1) and OS X apps can save and open files directly off
the netatalk volume
- Speed on 10BaseT was up to spec, 100BaseT not tested yet.
- Full support for Plain Text, Encrypted Transport logins and Keychains.

- Volume header shows up with the "pen crossed out" symbol, showing a
locked Vol. It isn't.
- Files saved from Quark 4.11 in classic didn't show up in the
finder. They are there and can be opened directly from Quark.
Remounting the netatalk vol shows the files properly.
- Copying from the netatalk volume to a local volume icon presents a
-39 error. Copy to a folder *inside* the local volume works fine.

Don't base your evaluations on the Public Beta - appleshare support
in OS X is improving build by build. Remember, this is still beta
software! As OS X moves toward a Developer Beta (apparently 10 days
away), we should start looking closely then at the support, it will
be closer to the final than the current builds.



"Always ask the question, never assume the answer." Marcus Radich 1999


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