Chapter 6
Knitting the OSKit

To use Knit with the OSKit, you should:

  1. Obtain a matching version of the OSKit. (The Knit download page says which version of the OSKit to use with each version of Knit.)
  2. Unpack, configure and prepare the OSKit:

      mkdir /tmp/src
      cd /tmp/src
      tar zxvf oskit<version>.tar.gz
      mkdir /tmp/obj
      cd /tmp/obj
      /tmp/src/oskit/configure --enable-knit
      make prepare
  3. Try building some of the kernels:

      mkdir /tmp/test
      cd /tmp/test
      knit                                   \
        OSKITDIR=/tmp/src/oskit              \
        BUILDDIR=/tmp/obj                    \
        UNIT_PATH=/tmp/src/oskit/knit        \
        MAKEFILE=/tmp/src/oskit/knit/ \
        Delta.unit \
      make -s

    This will build an OSKit kernel in the file kernel.

    The following units define OSKit kernels.
